Welcome to The Oberle Academy
At the Oberle Academy, we understand the outcome of a student's education is based on the connection between the learning environment and the learner - not the learning characteristics of the child. We recognize that no two brains are the same and that all students deserve an education based on their strengths, not their deficits. Our model has proven to be successful, as The Oberle Academy boasts a 98% graduation rate!
We believe in the power and potential of all students and we are fully committed to helping our students understand themselves, discover their innate strengths, hone their unique talents, and realize their potential for the brightest possible future.
The Oberle Academy is licensed and accredited to operate in the state of Virginia.
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The Oberle Academy's academic program is driven by the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) and each student's IEP. Enhancing our rigorous core curriculum and setting The Oberle Academy apart from other schools is our extensive elective offering.
Positive Behavioral Supports
The Oberle Academy recognizes the critical relationship between behavior and learning. By providing a quality, individualized learning environment and developing nurturing and respectful student-staff relationships, we increase students' feelings of connection to the school. This connection is highly correlated with a decrease in the incidence of challenging behavior as well as an increase in academic achievement.
Mental health counseling is an integral component for the success of our program. The Academy employs two full-time, licensed, professional counselors who provide individual and group counseling to students. They also assist students and families with accessing services and programs from our community partners.
News / Events
Employee of the Month
Tracy Dunklin
The Oberle Academy would like to show appreciation to Tracy Dunklin for continued dedication to our students and the staff.
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